2022 – 2025
(This photo is not one of the board specifically)
Regent, Donna Wilkinson Josefowski
Vice Regent, Sharon Burge
Chaplain, Robin Aschenberg
Recording Secretary, Kirsten Ly
Corresponding Secretary, Dot Abbott
Treasurer, Claudia Onken
Registrar, Jennifer Patti
Historian, Debbie St. Jean
Librarian, Faye Eisenbrey
Ways We Get Involved
Commemorative Events
The Colonel Haslet Chapter, NSDAR, recognizes major events in American history throughout the year – one of these being Independence Day (Fourth of July). Each year we attend a memorial service (sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution) held at Christ Church in Dover, Delaware. In conjunction with the anniversary of the passing of the suffrage movement, members participated in a march on The Green. Other important chapter activities include participating in a Veterans Day Parade and Memorial Day Service – both located in Dover.
Constitution Week
Constitution Week is the commemoration of America’s most important document. It is celebrated annually during the week of September 17-23. The Colonel Haslet Chapter, NSDAR, celebrates this important week each year with a proclamation, articles in the newspaper about its significance, and displays at local libraries. We also promote a greater understanding of the Constitution to our members by having a Constitution Minute at each meeting.
DAR Service for Veterans
The Colonel John Haslet Chapter, NSDAR, is based in Dover, Delaware, the residence of many active military, retirees, and veterans. Many of our own members are veterans or have a family military connection, which makes supporting veterans an important part of our activities. Our chapter supports veterans in a variety of ways including hosting socials at local assisted living facilities, collecting donations for the USO, Home of the Brave, and Home of the Brave II; making cards for patients at the VA Hospital, and many other activities supporting both active military and veterans.
DAR Good Citizens
The DAR Good Citizens Award encourages and rewards the qualities of good citizenship. Each year, our chapter participates in this program by recognizing students from four (4) local high schools. Part of this contest is submitting a written essay using DAR’s prompt from that year. Our chapter selects one of those students’ essays and invites the winner (with their parent or guest) to attend a chapter meeting to read their essay and learn more about DAR.
DAR Library
The DAR Library in Washington, D.C., contains over 225,000 books (including 40,000 family histories and genealogies), 10,000 research files, thousands of manuscript items, and other special collections. The DAR Library is free and open to the public. The Colonel John Haslet Chapter, NSDAR supports this important resource by donating approximately 4-5 books (historical or genealogical) each year. We also hold quarterly book discussions (in-person and virtual) to discuss non-fiction books on Revolutionary War-era individuals or events.
National Defense
The National Defense Committee strives to preserve our American heritage of freedom, particularly around military defense. To educate our members on matters regarding the military, a National Defense minute is read at each chapter meeting. Our chapter also recognizes five (5) JROTC cadets each year with the JRTOC Bronze Medal. A Colonel Haslet member attends each of the JROTC awards ceremonies to show our support and learn more about the positive impact these students have on our nation.